Aerofoam® XLPE Sheets and Rolls are made from closed cell cross-linked polyolefin foam. Featuring excellent condensation control, long term thermal blocking, the XLPE polyolefin foam sheets and rolls come as a standard sandwich product composed of foam, alupet foil, and self-adhesive backing. Other combinations include foam with alupet foil or foam with self-adhesive backing. The foil and foam are available in different colors above and beyond standard gray foam and silver foil to suit the needs of customers.
The Aerofoam® XLPE Polyolefin Sheets and Rolls offer very good dimensional stability, exhibiting a “memory effect” which enables them to retain their original shape after being compressed.
The Aerofoam® XLPE Polyolefin Foam Sheets and Rolls do not present any human health hazards with a production process that is free of CFC and HCFC, resulting in very low VOC levels. The product is considered environmentally friendly with low Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP) and complies with LEED requirements which aid buildings in accumulating more LEED points.
For more information, please download the Aerofoam® XLPE rolls and sheets Insulation below.

- Material: Closed-cell crosslinked polyolefin foam with aluminum foil & self-adhesive backing
- Density: 25kg/m³ (foam core only)
- Color: Gray/ black/ peach/ red/ green/ blue/ white with silver foil.
- Large diameter pipes (where tubes can’t be used; sheeting is used)
- Ventilation ducts
- Tanks, reservoirs.
- “CLASS O” as per BS 476 Parts 6 & 7
- FSI<25, SDI<50 as per ASTM E84
- Very low water vapor permeance (0 perms)
- Water vapor diffusion resistance factor (> 60000)
- Low thermal conductivity (λ23˚C = 0.034 W/mK)
- Operating temperature (from -80 ˚C to +105 ˚C)
- Chemical resistance to most chemicals like sodium, silica, fluoride, chloride, etc.
- Antibacterial & anti-fungal
- Environmental friendly (ODP = 0 and GWP < 5)
- Very low VOC emission level ( < 0.5 mg/m²/hr)
- High mechanical strength
- Easy and fast to install
- Aesthetical look